The Wisconsin Review publishes both new and established authors of outstanding poetry, fiction, and non-fiction as well as practitioners of the graphic arts. Our staff come from diverse aesthetic backgrounds, so send us works of overwhelming excellence.  

The Wisconsin Review retains First North American Serial Rights of published work. Electronic submissions require a $2.00 reading fee. Current subscribers can submit without paying the fee. We also consider postal submissions without reading fees.

Please limit yourself to 3-5 poems per submission. Use a 12-point font single spaced (double space between stanzas). One poem per page. Any style will be considered, although we seek exceptional use of imagery and awareness of form.

Submit your poetry here if you are a current subscriber to waive the reading fee.
Please limit yourself to 15 pages double-spaced with a 12-point font. Standard or experimental styles will be considered, although we look for outstanding characterization and unique themes.
Submit your short stories here if you are a current subscriber to waive the reading fee.
Please limit yourself to 15 pages double-spaced with a 12-point font. We accept creative non-fiction and general interest non-fiction only.
Submit your essays here if you are a current subscriber to waive the reading fee.
We are interested in any and all styles of art. Black and white and color are accepted. Physical or digital copies are acceptable.
Submit your art here if you are a subscriber to waive the reading fee.
Wisconsin Review